Answered By: Sarah Naomi Campbell Last Updated: Nov 05, 2018 Views: 3785
If you are JWU student or faculty member, your library barcode number:
- Is not your J number!
- Is the 14-digit number on your JWU ID card, starting with the digits 2515
- Should appear right above or below the barcode
About one week after the start of your first term, it will also be displayed in JWULink. Upon logging in, select Academics and scroll down to Your Notices where you should see the following text:
Library ID
You will need this number to access
library e-reserves or online research
resources. Select Library in jwuLink's
main navigation to open their
If you do not see this information in JWULink, please contact the library or IT.
Having trouble logging in to your account?
- Contact us by phone, instant message, or text message -- see your options on the sidebar!
- Or submit a request through this online form (please note, this can take up to 24 hours)
Are you an online student with no JWU ID card? Your barcode is in JWULink. Follow the above instructions for all students and faculty.
Are you non-teaching staff at JWU? You can obtain a barcode from either the Downcity or Harborside Library.
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